HomeBeautyMakeup Hacks for Aging Skin
Makeup Hacks for Aging Skin Makeup Hacks for Aging Skin

Makeup Hacks for Aging Skin

Studies prove that people in the country spend over USD 8 billion annually on cosmetics. Though skincare and makeup lovers tirelessly put up makeup tutorials and tips for women in their 20s, they rarely provide you with information on achieving those looks when you hit a certain age. So, here we bring you some makeup hacks for aging skin. 

  • Let go of the red lipstick
    We know you love your reds, and yes, that is quite trendy. However, it is time for a switch. When you grow older, your lips become thinner and appear less defined. When you put on a deep-red hue, it will accentuate the signs of lip aging. If you need a fuller lip look, you could go with a light pink or a neutral pink shade. However, if you cannot let go of the deep hues, you can try on the sheer variants. 
  • Moisturize
    A good and a hydrating moisturizer provides adequate nourishment to the skin. Regardless of the season, hydrating your skin is a must. When your skin is hydrated, it can ensure that the skin cells repair at lightning speed. If you adopt this habit early on in life, your aging process will be quite gradual. When you look for a moisturizer, always pick one with Vitamin E or any other hydrating ingredient. However, if you do not want to invest in a moisturizer, you can use coconut oil, which may be readily available at home. 
  • Curl your eyelashes
    Many women do not like the idea of using lash curlers as it can be a challenging task. However, try it once, and you would see the difference. When we are younger, our lashes are buoyant. However, as we turn 35 or older, they tend to flatten. So, using a lash curler, you can make your lashes seem fuller. There are various to curl your lashes. However, the simplest one is using a curler, and then volumizing the lashes with mascara.  
  • Switch to the brown liner
    It is a quintessential makeup hack for aging skin. As you grow older, you should get rid of the black eyeliner and switch to the brown one. Of course, black can make any makeup look dramatic, but it is a bit intense. Moreover, a black liner will always make you look older than you are. You can pick a deep brown liner, which offers a similar impact, but is less jarring. So, you get the intensity with adequate subtlety. 
  • Take good care of the eyebrows
    Many women regard their eyebrows as an afterthought, but that is the last thing you should be doing. As you age, your eyebrows tend to get thin and droop further when you are older. With makeup, when you try to create an illusion of the fuller eyebrows, you look younger. Eyebrows even complement all your other features. You can easily emphasize the brows to its natural shape using a brow pencil. Before you invest in the pencil, ensure that it is of the same color as your brow hair. 

